
Natural Nails Care for Men and Women



Basic Spa Pedicure…………..$30

Deluxe Spa Pedicure ………..$35    

Ice Dancer Pedicure………..$45 

Manicure & Basic Pedicure..$45

Manicure & Deluxe Pedi…….$63

Mani & Firewalker Pedi……..$73  


Gel Polish

Gel Manicure……………..$33

Extra $5 for French

Gel Pedicure………………$45

Extra $5 for French


booking now

Gel Enhacement

Liqui Gel

 Full Set …………….$50

 Fill – ins……………………$35

Full Set Pink & White…………….$60

 Fill Pink & White……………………$55

Powder Gel

 Full Set …………….$44

 Fill – ins……………………$34


booking now

Waxing Services

Upper Lip……………………………..$8
Chin……………………………$12 & up
Under Arms……………………. $15 up
 Full Legs………………………. $45 up
Side Burns………………………….. $12
Full face……………………………….$40
Half Legs…………………………. $25 up
Back……………………………….$30 up
Full Arms………………………..$30 up

Half Arms……………………….. $20 up
Bikini Line………………………… $25 up
Brazili………………………………. $45 up

Additional Services

French polish with service………$5

French polish change hands……$15

French polish change feet……….$18

Polish change hand…………………$10

Polish change feet…………………$13

Nail Design…………..$3 each & up

Nail Repair………………$5 each

Acrylic Removal…………………….$10
